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Marketing tip of the month

Arnold Fewell
November 2008

Writing subject lines for marketing emails

So the email has landed in your customers’ inbox but how do you get them to open it?  One of the biggest problems people face is actually getting people to read the sales emails instead of reaching for the delete button. 

Try these tips for email success

  1. Put the name in the subject line – this makes the recipient think it’s something personal rather than a bulk email.   Reading your own name instantly grabs attention so try and find a way to get this in.  If you have any other personal information you could try getting that in the subject line too, such as the place the person lives.  See the examples below

    Looking for something to do this weekend?

    Nicola, looking for something to do in North Yorkshire this weekend?

  2. Don’t have long subject lines – Your reader will switch off instantly if the subject line is too long. You need catchy subject lines that will grab their attention. Look at the emails that arrive in your own inbox, I imagine it’s the shorter subject lines that stand out most.

  3. Choose an interesting angle – the more interesting the subject line the more chance there is of it being opened.  You need the reader to want to open the email so it has to be relevant to them.  News announcements and special offers are ways to entice the customer to open but you could also try making them curious.  Make the reader want to find out more!.

  4. The subject line must be relevant to the actual email. It’s all well and good having a subject line that makes the reader open the email but then if the content isn’t relevant it will prevent them from opening future emails.  It could also affect your credibility.


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